some links to tide you over

I had big plans for the blog a couple of weeks ago but got on deadline and they all went pffft. Sorry. Busy.

A few links to tide you over:

Draken and his friends get a shout out at SF Signal.

Tomorrow I'm interviewed at My Bookish Ways.

EXILE is now available for NOOK.  We are still waiting for Amazon to get it out there; meanwhile it's also available DRM-free from Baen for the lo lo price of 6$.


My agency is giving out weekly writing tips on the NLA blog. The current one is about Less Is More.

My friend JA Kazimer is on THE BIG IDEA talking about her 2nd F***ed Up Fairy Tale: Froggy Style. 

My friend Helen Lowe discusses War and Power: Sources of Conflict In The Gathering Of The Lost at Orbit books.

And finally, on Friday the new Electric Spec issue will be out! Therein starts our eighth year, which makes me happy.

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