is that a bomb-pop, mommy?

I'm pretty sure the teenagers down the street made a snow-penis in their front yard. All they needed was a kleenex box sitting there and it would have been so true to life.

I bet their mom drove in from work and said, "That's the worst looking snow-man I've ever seen." Parents are so blind.

"I know, mom. We suck."

As penises will, it had gone sort of slouchy to one side.

Speaking of teenagers, there is this group of kids who work out at the gym. Ugly in the faces, but neck down they are hot. TG's right, they don't make 'em like they used to.

I was walking past them, trying to find a song on my ipod (Franz Ferdinand tonight if you must know) and one of them said, "She was holding his hand when she was letting me feel her up."

It was clear they all knew who she was, but I didn't stay to listen.

Like teenaged boys who actually look like that, I thought locker-room talk was a figment of eighties films. Naive of me, I suppose, but I really don't think anybody would have talked about me that way. Ok, that's a painfully naive assumption. Ok, so not by name (cause we didn't exchange names, that's what.)

Ok, so maybe they did.

But I hold that if you have to talk about it like that then you are too young to partake. Yeah, I know... Lunatic. Well, he's older, for one, and more prolific than most (and more profilactic, too, we hope). I also think that he probably wouldn't feel the need for a blog if he was spouting off about his excapades all over town. I think at heart he's a decent guy who loves sex. Feel free to correct me if you must, Luna. (Oh, for the love of God, please don't. Let a girl have her fantasies. I mean, we've already seen you ass-up on the ice. What's next? A hairy back?)

But I couldn't help feeling sorry for the girl.

I mean, teenaged boys suck in bed.

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