new and improved starfest schedule

A prettier schedule for Starfest than before, and something for me to refer to so I know what the hell I'm talking about that hour. (Busy, busy schedule!)


7 pm You Got Your Reality In My Fantasy

Both science and fiction have been great places to explore contemporary issues under the guise of fiction, but when is it too much? Can your soapbox overwhelm your prose? Join authors Betsy Dornbusch, Guy Anthony DeMarco, Kal Spriggs, David Boop and Peter Wacks as we try to find balance in the force.


9 am *yawn*  Genderbending in SFF (So far just me there...hoping to find more people cuz I suck at organizing things. seriously, I can't be trusted)

additions to the panel! Quincy Allen, James Sams, Peter Wacks, Vivian Caethe

There’s been a lot of talk about sexism in fandom and SFF fiction and film. Most of this talk centers around female fans and characters, but here we’ll tackle both genders. What are some good examples of characters who step outside the gender box and how can we treat our characters to make them more inclusive and intriguing.

4 pm Thrice More Into The Breach

You finished your novel/short story and/or screenplay. Think you’re done? Think again! Now it’s time to edit your own work. The whys, hows and what-to-look-fors can be as varied as the writing itself. Join this group of pros as they discuss their way of tackling the revision beast. Betsy Dornbusch, Christie Golden, Travis Heerman, Tonya DeMarco and Peter Wacks.


11 am Is Short Still Sweet?

Does selling short fiction mean someone will buy your novel? How has e-publishing changed the way authors get noticed? Are the markets changing too quickly to make a difference in your career? Authors David Boop, Betsy Dornbusch, Sam Knight, Peter Wacks, Dayton Ward and John Jackson Miller.

3 pm Sunday Fantastical Races (also so far just me. Because suck.)

Additions to the panel! Lou Berger, Travis Heerman, Peter Wacks, Vivian Caethe

Fantasy has long been peopled by mostly Caucasian characters. What stories are we seeing lately that include other races (real or made-up) and how can we step outside stereotypes to our creative benefit? What are some mistakes panelists feel they’ve made in depicting (or not!) characters of other races, and where do they feel they’ve succeeded? This is intended to be an anger-free, no-judgment panel filled with thoughtful dialogue and ideas.

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