spring cleaning

...compliments will get you everywhere...
I got the nicest email today. This person seems to think Sex Scenes has a huge fan base. He must know something I don't. Anyway, with that in mind, I did some housekeeping. I fixed my blogroll to better reflect who I'm reading -- all but Greg, who doesn't post much anymore. He's over at MySpace now, enjoying a huge following, and of course I've lost the link, and actually when I want to talk to him I just IM or call him so it doesn't matter anyway.

... I'm watching you...
I also added a hit counter, something I haven't had for about a year. I lost it some time ago due to a technical blunder. Try to restrain your shock that I fucked something up with GDFHTML. At one time, I was getting upwards of a couple hundred hits a day; now I have no idea. Still, even most of those folks were blundering in the door looking for actual sex scenes or sex with coffee or starbucks sex or whatever. Wonder if any of them stayed around for the long haul? I just started at 10K, which is about where the old one left off...

...on my list...
I saw Pirates last night and Orlando went all piratey for real, the earring, the scar, the bandanna on his head... I was too tired last night, but the lucky husband's getting some tonight. I know, my bad, getting turned on by another guy. So sue me. Funny thing is, I looked over at the husband, who sort of sighed when Orlando turned up all hot like that, and I thunk to myself, "Self," I thunk, "Orlando doesn't have anything on this one." I want to be Calypso for Halloween.
...summer has officially begun...
We went swimming yesterday. I wore the one of the same bikinis I've worn for two years now (no, not the leopard print one, a different one, sheesh). It fits. Guys scammed me. Still, I'm just not happy with the, er, state of things. The husband thinks I'm ridiculous and refuses to answer when I not so subtly ask for reassurance. I am lifting again now and pumping out 150-200 abs a day, so it should help. I just want to be hard again--strong and lean. Cardio does wonders for snowboarding, but not for swim suits, that's for sure. Oh, and I got sunburned, but by tomorrow hopefully it will be tan. I've plans to go to the pool.

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