carry on

Most readers know I suffer from Thorasic Outlet Syndrome, which basically means that the sensations in my right hand (and a little in my left) range from numbness to actual pain and stiffness. (The thorasic outlet is in your shoulder where major nerves pass through, and a couple of blood vessels, too. ) I've lost a lot of dexterity and sensation over the past eight years, and it's flared up again, worse than usual. My shoulder hurts and even my neck is slightly lopsided. When I run, my right arm jerks funny because I've lost so much muscular control. When I clean my house, I usually suffer for a few days and nights. When I edit my books, I do so with constant tingling and pain.

So I went to see my doc, who already saved my life once (long story). I figured if anybody could fix my hand to a tolerable level, he could. I just wanted to know how to manage the damn thing, carry on with a numb hand without doing myself too much more damage.

He told me he could cure me.


As in, no numbness, no pain. I'll be able to sleep through the night, blow dry my hair, edit my books, clean my house, lift weights, carry my daughter--all without my hand feeling like it's going to drop off. He said I would have a full return of dexterity and sensation.

It's through massage therapy and chiropractics, and he said it wouldn't be all that pleasant. I'm willing to give it a go, though. I'm tough. It's going to take at least six months and insurance will only cover part of it, but hell, if you could get your hand back, what would you pay for that?

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