die, adverbs, die!!

I am at the stage in revision where cleaning kitchen cabinets sounds more fun.

Hence, that's what today is about.

Oh, I'll get some writing work done--I'm compulsive about it, of course. But the cabinets are filthy...and so is the floor...and the walls...and the Broncs play at 2...

The good news I have a list of agents and I bought stamps and envelopes and printer paper and my first 50 pages are as shiny as snow on a sunny day. I'm happy with the letter (thanks Barth, WW, and crit group) and my procrastination caused me to send out all my rejected stories to new markets. This is the week. Next week Mom comes, then Turkey-Lurkey Day, then preparing for the Xmas Party (the 2nd--save the date). THEN Christmas shopping and preparing the January issue. Bottom line--it's now or January, and I choose now. I want to move onto fun drafting. I love to draft. I crave it. My synopsis and next scenes for the Ashetan and Ereq are shoving their way into my head.

Uh, baby crying...

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