a picture for those of you who can't read

 Posted by Hello


thtgrl said...

What's it say??? ;)

ssas said...


I grew up sailing and sunning on the bow of a boat is my favorite thing to do in the world. I'm also creeped out by what's under the water, so this pic is a friggin' nightmare for me.

MC Harv said...

If we keep catering to the illiterate, they'll never learn.

DrinkJack said...

That is just a fucking incredible picture.

ssas said...

tg- heh
cryp -everytime I see your pic I get all turned on all over again.
jack- i try to be everything to everyone.
luke- yeah, it's a fake thingy, babe. graphic artists with too much time on their hands.
drinkmorejack- it's an Honor to have you visit, jack. but, ditto, above.