i'm a leo btw

This week's horoscope:

Share what you're feeling on Monday. Sometimes you like to keep stuff bottled up, but that isn't always the best policy. (What are you going to do with all that bottled-up stuff? Start a bottled-up-stuff store?)

ok, blah blah blah... write my blog, I guess this means... but here's the good part:

On Friday or Saturday, your week is going to go in an unexpectedly romantic direction, which will be an excellent development.

I prefer to think of this as a "sexcellent" developement. Are you reading, PHF?

Oops. I think I just broke resolution #4. "I will no longer pester PHF for sex and shamelessly flirt with him at inappropriate times."


Anonymous said...

why is it so wrong to flirt with someone if maybe the outcome was muttaully wanted?

ssas said...

"flirt with him at innappropriate times"

It's about when and where. As in, I'm pretty sure his dad reads this from time to time... uh, Hi, Dad! PHF has more decorum than I. He also likes his sleep.

It's a good thing you love a flirt, Cryp, since I can't seem to help myself when it comes to you.

KR said...

I think it's pretty awesome that you flirt with your husband! In fact...in the event that I ever find one...I resolve to flirt with him forever :o)

Out of curiosity...how long have you been married?

ssas said...

Shit, this will age me, but what the hell... 14 years in May. We met at 19 though, so we're not *that* old.

ssas said...

hmmm, so you like older women...

jeez, I just can't let up, can i?