another google (no wonder these people are rich!)


Two for I'm Feeling Lucky:
French Military Victories
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Be sure and hit the links on this site as well. You won't be disappointed.

I happily and without persuasion admit that I stole this from The Liars Club
I really don't think Kat will mind.

Yes, had fun at the pub last night, as usual. Indulgers great, as usual. Interesting things happened, as usual. I will post as soon as I recover enough to properly embellish the recounting...

Please note properly working, attractively inserted links above. Could it be that I'm getting the hang of this crap? Please keep your congratulatory comments to a minimum. Oh, what am I saying? No one comments here. HELLO???? Is anybody listening?



Anonymous said...

BB says: Here I was going to offer my services and you go get all compentent and stuff. Yeah working links!

ssas said...

Doesn't programming have a tempramental nature? (it takes after the programmers, right?) I'm sure the code won't work next time...